mercredi 27 mars 2013

Advice for the Cheval Residences website



- Unable to book in the home page : fundamental to create a link in order to book directly


- Unable to book directly on line : "reservation enquiry" only : too long for the customer and not intuitive/ put a "book now" tab/button on the home page with the :

  • Dates
  • Tariff for the stay
  • Offers
  • Criteria


- Same thing for the mobile app : it has to be possible to book even on your smartphone


- Make it possible to click on each "hot-air balloon" to get on each residence page instead of on the tab " your London residences"


- Make a page for each residence with all the information as the "neighborhood"& "the plan your stay" tabs + a link for the blog




- No phone number directly (!!) : too much time spend on looking for it


- More option to reach them : Skype for example


- Put a "call me back" button to make it easier for the customer to get more information


- Too much links to see more details on all the subjects


- Video : too hard to find


- Improve the social media & make it more visible for the customer. Need more contents, video and so on.




- Put the promotion on the home page in order to "push" the booking process


- Infographic


- Not enough photos : too much text. Put more photos/rotation of properties


==> Too much sections structurally speaking : everything need to be visible in the home page

The navigation is not intuitive

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